The weather in Moscow....

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Friend Party...

Hayden's friend party was a huge success. Bryan and I were definitely tired after the big shin-dig, but everyone had fun! Now on to writing thank you notes and gearing up for Kennedy's 3rd birthday - in which she wants to do Dora for her theme. Funny, as she seems to like Backyardigans a whole lot more than Dora, but oh well! Dora it is!

Hayden and his friends had a great time and Hayden seems to be embracing this age 6 thing with no problems! On to first grade next year, hard to believe!

1 comment:

Amy Byrd said...

What a darling family! I am so glad you got in touch. I often wonder how you are down in the "scow". If you ever come up and have time, please call. I know Pilcher is up here, would be fun to get together. I'll follow along your blog as well.