The weather in Moscow....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

WHAT?! Another Snow Day?!

Well, Jack Frost hit us again last night, and seriously, I woke up to a good 4 new inches of snow on the ground. Well, I got out of bed, started to get ready, only to receive that phone call about ten till 6 (I'm already mostly ready at that point.) It's our McDonald School phone tree - starting up. My reaction, "You've got to be kidding me!" Seriously, it's been 8 snow days this season. Never have I seen it like this before. I guess the roads were drifting terribly and since we have a lot of students who ride buses, we had better keep them safe. So, hot chocolate for me and the kids this morning, a brief trip into school and then playing with one another all day. It's March 27, will it ever get warm!?

1 comment:

AngMomof3 said...

Will it ever get warm?

It BETTER... dang it!!! This is crazy. I'm there with you.

And what a cute little background for your blog! Is it custom made or does BLOGGER finally have more choices?

Take care... and let's revolt and just start wearing flip flops (like the college girls)NO MATTER WHAT!!!