The weather in Moscow....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Blog Tag... You're It!

Hey blogging world! It's my turn-- the "chain letter" has come my way via Angela of mom-e-moirs... thanks Angela! LOL! :-)

The rules: Link to your tagger and post these 3 rules on your blog.1. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.2. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.3. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Ok, I'll give it a whirl:

1. I started tap dancing and jazz dance at the age of 3 and continued until I hit Junior High and sports. I even placed at local contests!

2. I think about having a third child A LOT!

3. I love taking the kids to Starbucks on the weekends or during vacations. Something about sitting there enjoying the sights, sounds, and tastes with the kids just makes a morning perfect.

4. I have a habit of hitting the Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings when it is going on. I usually like to buy a fresh bouquet of flowers but feel strange if we don't make it down to Friendship Square to experience the culture and local prodcuts.

5. I love to put on kids music and dance with my kids. We'll often have "dance offs" at our house and I really love it! I also love to belt out the tunes while the music is playing, thinking I can sing just as good as those musicians, when in all reality, I can't!

6. I love to work on the computer... I think I get it from my dad. I love searching for great deals, cute stuff, etc. I try to do it when the kids are napping, or at night... or whenever! Doing it with a cup of 'joe is even better!

7. I'm like Angela, I can't pay for something full price unless it's absolutely needed. I refuse to buy something full price and then 2 weeks later see that it's half off. It's irritating. I love to Ebay as well... that's also addicting!

I'm not to the point of having seven blogging friends yet... so I'm not tagging anyone yet... but I will one day!

1 comment:

AngMomof3 said...

Interesting facts... thanks for sharing! Sounds like we're more similar than not.

So... you're thinking of having a third... go for it! But be forewarned-- it's a lot of work! My friend Anita (on Pullman's Paper Pals Design Team) warned me, so I'll warn you! Since I've had Grant I've done a lot less scrapbooking and housework. So, I'm way behind in documenting my kids' lives, and my house is trashed. But I love and laugh every day!
Good luck...