The weather in Moscow....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Dora Birthday Party

Her #3 birthday cake. She wanted it to be purple and green - I tried my best!
Can you say, "Cheese?!"
Notice her hand - she's got three fingers up!

Well, it's said and done. Kennedy's birthday party was a success and fun was had by all. She got so many great things and it was a bit overwhelming how thoughtful everyone was. She's a big girl now - even has been in big girl panties for quite some time and the last few days she's gone 100% in the potty! YAHOO! Here are a few pictures for you all to enjoy! Happy 3rd Birthday, Kennedy! (in two days!)

1 comment:

Amy Byrd said...

Happy 3rd birthday to your sweet Kennedy & have fun in Tucson. Tell Char "hi" for me! Can't wait to see some pictures.