The weather in Moscow....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

K's First day of Preschool!

Little Miss K all ready with her Hello Kitty lunch box!

Many people say she looks like me... I don't see it! LOL!

K in her classroom...

I honestly didn't think I'd be saying this when K was at the age of 3, but she had her first day of pre school yesterday and I think it was successful! She is excited to have teachers just like her big brother Hayden, and she has 3 of her friends in there from our former daycare. The only set back is that she had her first cold and therefore caused a pretty nice cough. But, thankfully, it seems as though she's getting better and her first day as a preschooler was a successful one!

Her Dora backpack is one of her favorites, and loves taking just bologna pieces for lunch. How crazy is that?! Mornings are busy at the Thompson house, but thankfully both kids like school and know the routine!

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