The weather in Moscow....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Toenails and Nail polish....

Well, this is what I get. This is what I get for thinking that my daughter was doing what she was supposed to be doing. It was awfully quiet in the house and I was busy putting clothes away. Hayden was playing, when it dawned on me, I hadn't heard Kennedy's voice for a while. Well, out I walk into the living room, only to see Kennedy busy painting her toes. Oh boy, did she do a good job! Thankfully, it didn't land on the carpet, only her feet and her face. Here are two pictures of her first experience painting her nails. One of her beautiful foot, the other of her "sad face" that she made when she got into trouble. (She's making this on her own. I took a pic of her foot and then she said, "take one of my sad face mommy sicne I was in trouble.) Oh boy, just wait til she's a teenager!


Amy Byrd said...

Love it! She should open her own salon for pedi's & mani's. I may make the trek down there for such a fine job!

Unknown said...

I, for one, thought her toenails looked perfect!!!