The weather in Moscow....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Day #4!

It was definitely hard to believe this morning when I got the phone call at 5:40 - no school. I had already showered, gotten dressed, and was about ready to put my face on when it happened. I answered like always, "You are kidding me!" Nope, no kidding going on this morning. We've got a lot of snow! It was drifitng out in the county all last night and it would be tough for the buses to get through. We're supposed to get more tomorrow night through Thursday - could we be looking at snow day #5? Wow, I am not sure. Right now, we aren't extending our school year but are making up yesterday and today on some curriculum work days we had scheduled. Whew! Here's some pictures from our deck and it really shows how much snow we do have! Baby, it's cold outside!!!

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