The weather in Moscow....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Aaaaah, Summer!

Summer is here and we've started it off nicely. Unfortunately, the rain still keeps coming around. I swear we should have summer vacation during July, August and September! :-) The end of the school year is always bittersweet for me. I truly enjoyed teaching my class this year. They were so fun, sweet and really put the TEAM into Team Thompson. They were a great bunch. If I could have looped to 4th grade this year, I would have just to teach these guys again. (Not sure how the parents would feel about that, but I would have done it!) I held back my tears as I said my goodbyes to them. And now I'm realizing that I'll have a third grader. Where has the time gone? Then little Miss K starts Kindergarten. What?!?! That will be a tearful first day of school!

But, we need to enjoy the NOW and that is what we have been doing. H is playing on the Moscow Mavericks this summer, which is a tournament team. Bryan is coaching and it's a great group of boys! Both Thompson boys are excited to do this. K and I are being the supportive mom/wife/sister/daughter during all of this. K keeps asking me when she gets to play her Little Tikes T-Ball and I keep telling her she gets to in a couple of months (which I will coach again!)

We've hit the first night of the library series at East City Park. The Performing Pigs. Yes, I said pigs. They were cute and handled the audience well. Too bad the black clouds made for a downpour at the end of the show. It was a fun time and the kids enjoyed it. I'm hoping when we get back from Seattle the rain will be gone and we can go to the POOL! Here's to a wonderful weekend in the Pacific Northwest. We'll be going to TWO Mariner's games....I'll post pics when we return! Cheers!

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