The weather in Moscow....

Monday, February 9, 2009

I was tagged by my friend Amber, and thought it'd be fun to try... here goes!

Here are the rules: Once you are tagged, your task is to go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. Go to the 6th Folder, and pick the 6th picture in that folder. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.Tag 6 other people that you know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.
Ok, I was truly hoping there would be a picture of one of the kids... and what do I find as my 6th picture? One of me. The story behind this pic is one of my best friends, Jamie and I flew down to Boise to visit college girlfriends. This picture was taken at another friend's business (Kurly's sportsbar) and we were enjoying the afternoon with cold beverages - laughing about old times. The funny thing is, they even packed "roadies" for us to enjoy from the airport! Pretty funny and it was always good to reconnect with old friends. It was perfect.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I'm so glad you did this! That's a great picture of you. You didn't tag anyone else though.