I realize I haven't posted for awhile. January and February have been crazy, to say the least. One piece of normalcy was that Hayden started to play basketball. Boy, is this guy excited about it! As of today, they've played three games and have three losses! LOL! Parks and Recreation have put first graders and second graders playing together. Truth be told, I don't agree with this mix up only because I'm experiencing first hand how these second graders have more knowledge and more skills regarding the game... and, I'll be honest. It's frustrating. For instance, our last game, we lost 6-21. Hayden - what a guy - scored 2 of the 6. BUT, one second grader on the other team scored 16 of their 21 points? Ok, take that kid out of the equation and we'd have won. :-) But seriously - 16 points? Pass the ball every once in a while, buddy. Hopefully this kid will still be playing and around here when they are in HS, because MHS Bears could be pretty good!
Hayden is one of the tallest kids on the team, and even as a first grader, is one of the better players. Maybe this will be his sport? Who knows? Hayden hustles down to and from each side of the court... at first he wanted to just guard whoever had the ball - and did a good job at it! But, coach crushed that and told everyone to guard just one guy, regardless if they have the ball or not. Hayden starts inching in on the ball handler every once in a while, only to cause a jump ball or actually steal it - woo hoo!!! They've come together as a team and are improving with each step of the way. Let's hope this week's games we play teams that are a little even with our team.... (AKA - the Idaho Vandals).