The weather in Moscow....

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Fall is in the air and you definitely know it by heading to the football games on the weekend! Yesterday mom and I took the kids to a tailgate party (is that appropriate to do?) for about 1/2 an hour before the game started. It felt good to walk through the crowd, see all of the Vandal Fans and wonder... how can they do this for every football game? But, I guess back in my college days, I'd be doing it weekend after weekend with my friends to cheer on those Vandals. Anyway, we were all dressed in our Vandal gear and cheered on the Vandals, unfortunately they lost. We also took in the volleyball game. Kennedy is terribly frightened of Joe Vandal! She'd cower into either mom or I and cover her eyes if he came near!!! It was pretty funny. We also had to coax Hayden so that we could get a pic of he and Joe. My kids are now thinking that they are pretty funny by saying, "I-D-A-H-O, Idaho, Idaho, Go! Go! Go (insert word!) Usually the word is chocolate, hair, rocks, whatever. Knowing that mom is cringing that they are defacing the fight song!!! It is pretty funny, to say the least. I think I've heard them say this at least 50 times and they are still gut rolling at themselves. Looking forward to Homecoming where friends seem to always gather together and cheer on the UI with whatever spirit they have. I'll have to make sure the kids know the song a bit better by then rather than cheering on chocolate or rocks!

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