The weather in Moscow....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

I had to get this shot of Devin, my nephew, who downed a whole bottle of sparkling apple cider. He wanted to break it open around 8, we told him he needed to wait closer to midnight....
Tones, trying her luck with the guitar...

Devin, belting out a few tunes.

Auntie Lisa helping Hayden with the drums....

Dan and Michelle rockin' out to Rock Band 2.

Kennedy scratched her nose and insisted she get a band-aid for it. (I need to go get more girly band-aids - that one is Spiderman!)

She's likin' the drums!

Kennedy and Sid, eating some Nerds (thanks for sharing, Sid!)

Last night for NYE, we had some friends and family over for som festivities. It was a huge hit to play Rock Band - I am totally uncoordinated at playing instruments. I even forewarned everyone to tell them so... and proved how terrible I was when I got ahold of the guitar. (I failed a few times!) K and H along with Dev and Sid made it til midnight to ring in the new year. It was a fun night and I'm glad we were able to share it with loved ones.

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