The weather in Moscow....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Grandpa Dave comes to visit!

Most of you know, my dad lives in Colorado. So truly, our visits are few and far between. It never really dawns on me how far away we live from each other until he comes and goes in one weekend. Our kiddos love Grandpa Dave and always look forward to his visits. We just wish he lived closer than Colorado..... He flew in this weekend on K's 6th birthday. We had ONE BUSY weekend! Dinner at Casa for K's birthday on Friday.... Saturday consisted of Cal Ripken Opening Ceremonies for H at 10, Easter Egg hunt for K at 11, H's first baseball game of the season at 12:30, then wrapped it all up with K's friend birthday at 3:00! It was a fun filled weekend, one that we will always cherish. We just wish the miles between us weren't as big in numbers.....
Hayden getting in some BP at practice......

Grandpa Dave and Kennedy.....

Dinner at Casa to celebrate K's birthday!

Opening ceremonies!

Kennedy at her party!